Today’s snack.

Seven-Eleven’s “Nagano Prefecture Shinnemuscat Daifuku” for 226 yen (tax included).

Daifuku (Daifuku of Nagano’s Shine Muscat) 226 yen (tax included)
Daifuku (Daifuku of Cheinmuscat from Nagano Prefecture)

Whole Nagano-grown Shine Muscat grapes are wrapped in white sweet bean paste and soft rice cake dough.

Speaking of Daifuku, my taste buds have been spoiled by Bensaiten’s high-end Fruit Daifuku…

But Seven was not to be outdone!

The sweet and lush Shine Muscat was very sweet, and the rice cake dough was glutinous and satisfying, making the Daifuku a small but satisfying treat.

Next, “Melting Coffee Jelly” also from 7-Eleven, 248 yen (tax included).

Melting coffee jelly 248 yen (tax included)
Melted coffee jelly

Vanilla whip on top of coffee jelly made with Seven Cafe coffee beans.

The coffee jelly is firm and elastic!

It is too good to eat with whipped cream, which is light but full of vanilla.

And now, to continue… (How many are you going to eat?!?) Melted Apricot Bean Curd” also from 7-Eleven, 162 yen (tax included).

Melted apricot jelly 162 yen (tax included)
Melted apricot jelly

The price seems to have been raised by 10 yen due to a sharp rise in raw material prices.

However, the ratio of cream was reviewed to create a more mellow taste.

Yes, this is a real apricot bean curd!

It was creamy and melt-in-your-mouth!

Thank you for the food!
