Today’s snack.

Mochi Cafe Mitarashi Glutinous rice dumplings and milk

Mitarashi Mochi Mochi Dango and Milk from the Mochi Cafe series found at Lawson, ¥228 (tax included).

There are three layers,

Mitarashi sauce on the bottom layer, dumplings in it, and milk pudding on the top layer.

Mochi Cafe Mitarashi Glutinous rice dumplings and milk

It’s a dumpling inside, but it’s not a dumpling…

It was more like a jelly or pudding with a strong gelatin taste. It was “dumpling-like”.

I ate it thinking it was a dumpling, so I was like, “Huh? But when I ate it with the lower layer of mitarashi sauce, I could taste the “mitarashi dumpling” feeling.

When you want to eat Mitarashi dumplings, but dumplings are a bit heavy for you (what kind of time is that?), this is just the thing! It’s light but tastes good! It is light but tasty!

Thank you for the food… ♪
