Today’s snack.

I went to Ibaraki Prefecture on various business. I bought this Ibaraki souvenir at a kiosk at the station on my way home.

Ibaraki Chestnut Gateau Chocolat

Ibaraki Chestnut Gateau Chocolat Outer box surface
Ibaraki Chestnut gateau chocolat (back side of outer box)

Ltd. in Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan.

Ibaraki Prefecture is the number one producer of chestnuts in Japan in terms of both cultivated area and volume of shipments.
Chestnuts have a very long history, and many chestnuts have been excavated from Jomon-era ruins.
In Ibaraki Prefecture, cultivation is said to have begun around 1897, and the main production areas are Kasama, Kasumigaura, and Ishioka cities, and it is also widely grown in other parts of the prefecture. (quoted from Ibaraki Prefectural Government website)”.

This gateau chocolat is made with 25% Kasama chestnut paste.

What does “chestnut gateau chocolat” look like?


When the box is opened, there are four pieces, each in a small box.

Ibaraki Chestnut gateau chocolat
Ibaraki Chestnut gateau chocolat

Inside the small box was a spoon.

How kind!

Ibaraki Chestnut gateau chocolat

Chestnut-flavored gateau chocolat with chestnut chocolate sauce is a rich, elegant, moist chocolatey sweet.

Ibaraki Chestnut gateau chocolat

The hardness is like gateau chocolat, but it is also like yokan, a sweet that can be considered both a Japanese and a Western confectionery.

The chestnut paste is packed tightly, rich, and quite sweet.

It was a luxurious gateau chocolat that tasted both like red bean paste and chocolate, like a bun and like a cake.

Price for a pack of 4 ¥1080 (tax included).

Calories are 415 kcal per 100 g.

The expiration date is about 2 months since the product was purchased on December 22, 2022 and will last until February 26, 2023.

Eating one was satisfying enough, but the taste was so good that I ended up reaching for a second one!

Thank you for the food… ♪
