Home » グルメ » カテゴリーなし » Awajishima Milk “Awajishima Baked Pudding”/Additive-free pudding baked with Awajishima milk and domestic eggs

Today’s pudding.

Awajishima Milk “Awajishima Yaki Pudding

Awajishima Milk Awajishima Baked Pudding
Awajishima Milk Awajishima Baked Pudding Package Side
Awajishima Milk Awajishima Yaki Pudding Backside of package

I’m home, Osaka! I am back home for the first time in several years.

It’s so good to see everyone in good spirits!

I found this pudding when I went shopping at a supermarket near my parents’ house.

Awajishima Milk Awajishima Baked Pudding

The pudding is baked slowly in the oven using only Awaji Island milk, fresh domestic eggs, and sugar.

Awajishima Milk’s long-selling product has been on the market for 30 years.

This is the first time I’ve encountered it, but I really like the old-fashioned look of the packaging and cup design.

The wonderful thing about this pudding is that it is truly simple, with only “milk, eggs, and sugar” as ingredients.

This pudding is free of flavors, colors, preservatives, and stabilizers.

Awajishima Milk Awajishima Baked Pudding

Successful landing! It is a firm pudding.

Awajishima Milk Awajishima Baked Pudding

It’s so delicious!

It is firm, but smooth and melt-in-your-mouth, with a strong taste of fresh milk and eggs. There is no extra taste at all.

The caramel is exquisitely thick and firm.

There was a relieving taste that reminded me of my childhood. Maybe it was because I ate it at my parents’ house.

Two 75 g x 2 pieces, 105 kcal per piece.

Price…sorry, I forgot to look~. (I think it was around 200 yen.)

Shelf life is 11 days.

Sweetness ∶●●●○○○

Firmness ∶●●●●○

Egg feeling ∶●●●●○

Milkiness ∶●●●●○

Kok ∶●●●○○○

Smoothness ∶●●●○○○

A pudding made with only these simple ingredients is a “true pudding. I thought this was true “luxury.

Thank you for the food… ♪
