Home » グルメ » カテゴリーなし » Seafood and Kaiseki Cuisine Kijima “Brown Sugar Pudding” / As expected from Kijima! Even the dessert pudding was delicious and the star of the show!

Today’s pudding.

Brown sugar pudding” at Kijima, a seafood and kaiseki cuisine restaurant.

Kijima “Brown Sugar Pudding

Kijima is a restaurant where fresh seafood kaiseki cuisine is served.

Kijima Lunch Kaiseki “Uzuchio” (taken from Kijima’s website)
Kijima seafood kaiseki cuisine (quoted from Kijima’s website)

Kijima is a special place where you can enjoy the best hospitality in a calm and relaxing atmosphere.

I often visit the restaurant for “special occasions” with family and friends.

All dishes are delicious, but the sashimi in particular is superb! It is fresh, beautiful to look at, and makes you happy.

Kijima Shin-Yokohama Exterior
Kijima Shin-Yokohama Exterior

There is one dessert that cannot be missed at Kijijima.

That is the “brown sugar pudding” here!

Kijima “Brown Sugar Pudding

We had this as the last dessert of the kaiseki course, but you can also order the pudding by itself. The price for a single item is 495 yen (tax included).

There is an apple on top.

It is a very elegant pudding.

Kijima “Brown Sugar Pudding

It is smooth and the lower it goes, the softer it melts.

This pudding, the pudding itself, is hardly sweet.

No, it has some sweetness, but it’s not the sweetest pudding I’ve ever had.

The egg and milk flavor is not particularly strong, but it is rich. It is extremely delicious.


I couldn’t find any ingredients or other details in my search, but it tastes “Japanese”.

The caramel sauce underneath definitely tastes like brown sugar, but maybe brown sugar is used in the pudding as well.

There’s something about the tea flavor, too.

I would like to ask the store owner next time I visit!

Kijima “Brown Sugar Pudding

The thick caramel sauce keeps overflowing from the bottom.

It is really tasty and well mixed with the melted pudding!

It is also delicious when eaten with crisp apples! It is a delightful texture.

It was a wonderful pudding with all the “Kijima” character.

Brown Sugar Pudding

Sweetness ∶●●○○○○

Firmness ∶●●○○○○○

Egg sensation ∶●●○○○○

Milkiness ∶●●●○○○

Kok ∶ ●●●●○


Thank you for the food… ♪
