Home » グルメ » カテゴリーなし » FamilyMart “Caramel-flavored Dark Delicious Pudding”/Even the pudding tastes like caramel! Pudding with a nostalgic sweetness that soothes the soul

Today’s pudding.

It is Family Mart’s “Caramel Ajiwari Kuromi Pudding”.

FamilyMart “Caramel Tasting Dark Delicious Pudding
FamilyMart “Caramel Ajiu Kurumami Pudding” cup side label

Sold exclusively at FamilyMart and manufactured by Toraku.

FamilyMart “Caramel Tasting Dark Delicious Pudding

This pudding is said to have caramel sauce mixed throughout the entire pudding.

An unlikely pudding!

FamilyMart “Caramel Tasting Dark Delicious Pudding

It is slightly firm but smooth on the tongue.

The pudding has caramel and caramel sauce on the bottom, but the caramel taste is not as strong as expected, and the sweetness is gentle and nostalgic.

You can also taste the eggs and milk.

FamilyMart “Caramel Tasting Dark Delicious Pudding

I enjoy making cliffs with hard pudding these days.

This kind of pudding makes me miss my grandma.

FamilyMart “Caramel Tasting Dark Delicious Pudding

Price∶170Yen (tax included)


Calories (per piece)∶193kcal

Expiration date ∶ purchased on 2/7 -> until 2/23

Sweetness ∶●●●○○○

Firmness ∶●●●●○

Egg sensation ∶●●●○○○

Milkiness ∶●●●○○○

Kok ∶●●●○○○

Smoothness ∶●●●○○○

Caramelized feeling∶●●●●○

Thank you for the food… ♪
