Home » グルメ » カテゴリーなし » Campagne “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding” / fluffy and thick pudding with rich milk

Today’s pudding.

It is “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding” by Campagne.

Campagne “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding
Campagne “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding” package label
Campagne “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding” package label

Campagne Co. is a manufacturer and seller of desserts and baked goods with stores in Hiratsuka City and Hadano City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

I had never had Campagne’s sweets before, but I bought them at a supermarket “food way” that I don’t usually go to.

I am thrilled and excited to receive pudding from a manufacturer for the first time!

Campagne “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding
Campagne “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding

Milk pudding squeezed with cream and finished with strawberry sauce.

Campagne “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding

The cream on top has a slight strawberry flavor, and the strawberry sauce is like a thick strawberry jam.

Campagne “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding

The pudding does not taste like strawberries, but is a very rich milk pudding!

It’s rich and delicious~.

Campagne “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding

It is fluffy and melty, with a yogurt-like texture. (No acidity).

The strawberry sauce is small, so the taste of the pudding is not obliterated!

Campagne “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding” cup after finishing

Campagne’s pudding was delicious!

Campagne “Chotto Strawberry Milk Pudding

Price∶¥138(tax included)(purchased at “food way” supermarket)

Calories (per piece)∶151kcal

Expiration date ∶ 2 days from purchase date

Sweetness ∶●●●○○○

Firmness ∶●○○○○

Egg feeling ∶○○○○○(egg-free)

Milkiness ∶●●●●○

Kok ∶ ●●●●○


Thank you for the food… ♪
