Home » グルメ » 本日のプリン » Chianti “Platinum Pudding” / Long-established Italian “Adult Pudding”

Today’s pudding.

This is Mr. Chianti’s “Platinum Pudding”.

Chianti “Platinum Pudding”

Chianti is a famous Italian restaurant in Roppongi, Tokyo, which opened in 1960.

There is a café on the 6th floor of Matsuya Ginza, and you can buy Chianti’s cakes and baked goods on the 1st basement floor.

Matsuya Ginza B1F Chianti “Platinum Pudding” in the showcase

The pudding in the pure white pottery in the shape of an elongated pound cake gives a sense of elegance.

It comes with caramel sauce as a side dish, but I tried it as it was first.

Chianti “Platinum Pudding”

I wonder if it looks like a cheesecake? I imagined that, but it was completely different.

Chianti “Platinum Pudding”

You can feel the plump hardness of the egg.

Chianti “Platinum Pudding”

It has a strong taste of eggs.

After crumbling in the mouth, you can also feel the smoothness on the tongue.

The sweetness is modest. It’s like a sophisticated urban pudding, with a smart image.

There was no indication of the ingredients, but it must have been made using high-quality eggs and milk.

I put caramel sauce on it.

Chianti “Platinum Pudding”

Caramel sauce is quite bitter and thick.

If you lick only the caramel sauce, it is so thick that the back of your throat becomes hot.

When entangled with pudding, this is exactly the adult pudding!

Chianti “Platinum Pudding”
Chianti “Platinum Pudding” bowl after eating


I want to use this vessel for something.

Chianti “Platinum Pudding”

Price∶¥519(tax included)

Consumption by ∶ day of consumption

Sweetness ∶●●○○○○

Firmness ∶●●●●○

Egg feeling ∶●●●●○

Milkiness ∶●●●●○

Kok ∶ ●●●●○

Smoothness ∶●●●○○○

Thank you for the food… ♪
