It was my friend Azu who inspired me to start this blog.

I met Azu as an adult, we smelled the same and became fast friends.

When we are together, we are fun and interesting and always have our mouths agape.

We have some similarities, but she has a lot of things that I don’t have that make her attractive.

When I was sick a few years ago, he cared for me more than anyone else, quietly but always smiling.

I was really encouraged and supported by the fact that he told me to take my time and take it year by year.

She then suggested, “Umi, why don’t you write a blog?” She suggested that I write a blog, and with her strong computer skills, I started to write it little by little.

I’m the exact opposite of her, I’m a super analogue person, so I’m as fast as a turtle…

I am very happy to have a place where I can express my feelings and leave them in a form.

As our children have grown up and become less and less demanding, we are looking forward to going to many different places in the future.

I love the pictures that Azu takes, and I hope to keep many of them.

Azu, thanks!

↑upI drew this portrait of Azu. I apologize for my lack of artistic ability, but it looks like her.
