Home » グルメ » カテゴリーなし » Delicious red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon) that can be easily drunk in the 1000 yen range.

Here are some of the wines we tried and enjoyed

Occasional wine

Recently, highballs and other carbonated drinks have become popular, but there are times when I have an irresistible urge to drink red wine to accompany food.

I am not a strong drinker by any means, but I love the aroma of red wine, the full flavor of the grapes, and the unique texture.

Red wine has to be expensive to be good?

It is inevitably expensive, and in fact, good red wine is expensive. Aromatic, fruity, and rich in flavor, with a good texture, these three elements are usually expensive. (By expensive, I am referring to alcoholic beverages that cost more than 3,000 yen and are not suitable for everyday drinking.)

2 bottles of selected wines

Among them, the two bottles we are about to introduce here are one inexpensive bottle and the other tasty and priced just under 1,000 yen. These two bottles can be enjoyed as everyday table sake.

Cheap Representative Chilean Wine

Suntory Santa by Santa Carolina Cabernet Sauvignon” made by a prestigious winery in Chile: 498 yen

It is medium-bodied, but has a lot of fruitiness. I saw this wine at a supermarket and tried it on a whim, but was greatly disappointed. 〜It is as good as the wines in the ¥1500 class. It tastes great chilled in the refrigerator in the summer. If there is a wine in this price range that surpasses this deliciousness, I would love to know about it! (That’s how much I recommend it).

Representative of cheap and really good California wines

Next, let’s take a look at a California wine. This is a little bit different, but it is “Centerpiece Cabernet Sauvignon”, which is sold at Vinos Yamazaki.

California Wine “Centerpiece” 1,580 yen

As a lover of Cabernet Sauvignon, I was shocked by this bottle. It is a delicious California wine that can be drunk on a daily basis.  ❣️

Looking at the label and bottle design, I had a gut feeling that something was promising about this wine! For some reason, I had a gut feeling that this wine had great potential! The fact that it is capped instead of corked is also a high point.

Cospa is really high!

It is priced at 1,580 yen, but it is as good as wines priced over 5,000 yen! The secret behind the low price seems to be that it is made from a blend of delicious wines from California. The secret to its low price seems to be that it is made from a blend of delicious wines from California. It has three things in common: aroma, taste, and a velvety texture. When I first tasted this wine, I thought, “This, this! I was so happy to have finally found the wine I was looking for.

A good California wine for 1580 yen is a dream come true. I know several good California wines, but again, they are all over 5,000 yen (local price).

If you don’t have a Vinos Yamazaki near you, you can also buy it from the online store, so think you’ve been tricked and give it a try! I seriously recommend it.

Introduction of wines that were tried and not good

Here are some of the things that I have tried and found to be not so good (according to my personal subjective opinion).

Familiar Cheap Representative Chilean Wine

Asahi Beer Santa Helena Alpaca Cabernet Merlot 498 yen

You often see it in stores among Chilean wines…it’s inexpensive at $498…the label is pretty but very ordinary. I cannot recommend it as good.

Seiyu Procurement Cono Sur Bicicleta Cabernet Sauvignon

This is also a Chilean wine, and you will see this one a lot, but it is completely normal.

Mercian Conchaitro Casciello del Diablo Cabernet Sauvignon, 1,200 yen

This one was advertised quite glaringly, but for the price…I was not impressed. It had fruitiness, but it was lumpy and angular, and I didn’t like it.

California, U.S.A. Redwood Cabernet Sauvignon 698 yen

This is a product that is often on sale at KALDI…I think so much. It is clean, but I would like to see a little more fruitiness.

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