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Thoughts on Olive Oil

Once you get to know a good olive oil, you will be captivated by its aroma and unique flavor.

It is a magical ingredient that really enhances many dishes, such as buckets, salads, meats, pasta, cheese, etc.

I routinely burn toast for breakfast and dip it in olive oil.

Sometimes I sprinkle a little black pepper and salt, but I also like to enjoy it without any.

Dip the fresh, hot toast in a generous amount of olive oil. The fresh aroma of the toast spreads to your mouth. It is like being in a meadow on a sunny day.

As you put it in your mouth and taste it while biting into the bread, the unique flavor of the olive oil spreads in your mouth. I prefer olive oil pressed from young olives that have a slightly pungent taste.

What is extra virgin olive oil?

There are many olive oils sold in Japan that really have a variety of characteristics. Finding one’s favorite flavor is another part of the fun.

Now, when it comes to olive oil, you will notice that the expression “extra virgin” is attached to almost everything.

And there is often this explanation.

“Extra virgin olive oil is virgin oil (first pressed) from the olive fruit, with an acidity of less than 0.8% and of particularly good quality, with a strong aroma characteristic of olive oil.”

Oil Q & A


If it says “extra virgin,” are they all of the same quality?

I am sure many of you have asked yourself such a question. That’s right, from the special products sold in large plastic bottles in supermarkets for less than 500 yen, to the small bottles that are packaged and priced at several thousand yen or more!

It is hard to imagine that the olive oils of the future will be of the same quality. But they are all named “extra virgin”.


As it turns out, the definition of ‘extra virgin’ exists, but the control of it is entirely up to the manufacturer. In other words, it is not controlled… (This standard is supposed to be set by the IOC (International Olive Council), but it is not controlled.)

And what is even more surprising is that when it comes to olive oil, it is Italian! I think any Japanese person would imagine that this is the case.

However, genuine Italian extra virgin olive oil is almost non-existent in domestic stores.

No, I know there are many who will argue that this cannot be true ‼️ (I have a feeling the comments section will be a mess). But it is true.

production output does not match

This is simply because the total amount of olives and extra virgin olive oil produced in Italy is many times greater than the total amount of olives.

So, is it disguised? Is it?

No, since there are no rules (penalties or regulatory bodies) to enforce a clear definition of “extra virgin”, it is not treated as a disguise if the label is labeled as such…

How to find good olive oil

So how can you find real extra virgin olive oil?


There are two certification systems in the EU: IGP and DOP. While not a guarantee of extra virginity, these certifications require very strict controls. The IGP and DOP certifications are only given to really good products, so they can be used as a guideline. For more information, please refer to the following article.

word of mouth

After all, the surest way is word of mouth. ‼︎ A food report from someone you trust is helpful.


If you do not have someone close to you whom you can trust, you can refer to the results of the annual olive oil evaluation contests that are included in the book, or…

Prize of various olive oil competitions

There are many olive oil competitions in various countries. Naturally, the best tasting and highest quality olive oils win various prizes, so the quickest way to find the best olive oil is to take a look at those prizes. (We will introduce the olive oils that have won these prizes later.)

International Olive Show

In case you are wondering, my best recommendation right now is to visit Japan since 2016. Visit the International Olive Show (formerly Olive Marche) and buy there! And take a look at the results of that contest: ❣️

Rare producers from abroad who have not yet been imported will also participate. What’s more, you will be able to taste most of the olive oils, so it is really fun to be able to compare olive oils. ‼︎

Furthermore, I enjoy being able to communicate with overseas producers, and I hope to go back someday.

(Memories from the Olive Oil Marche)

Olive oil sample given by a producer

I actually did not know this at the time, but DIEVOLE olive oil is now at a premium price. This olive oil is one of the most vividly memorable and delicious olive oils I have ever had: ‼️

Umi looks like it will be held in Ginza on 7/4 this year, so let’s go there!

I will introduce the olive oils I have tried and can recommend in another article, so please refer to that as well.

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